The Solution to the Least Talked About Issue in Sports:

Gut Health

We've found that one of the most under-talked about issues facing endurance athletes are gut related problems. As athletes, we put tremendous stress on our guts. Chronic dehydration, simple sugars from gels and chews, and high caloric intake all wreak havoc on your digestive system. The Gut Health Protocol takes a three-pronged approach to resolve gut issues and promote healthy digestive function.

  • Fast-Acting formula starts working immediately and provides noticeable results after a few weeks
  • Three-pronged approach provides lasting relief from gut-related issues
  • Gut Health has more than 40 clinical studies proving its efficacy

In my training for Unbound, I started experiencing some gut issues and knew I needed to fix it before race day. I started using the Gut Health Protocol a few weeks before and was amazed by the results. It's now become a staple, and something I take before all key races.

Pete Stetina, Pro Cyclist

What's Inside

SwissRX Gut Repair Protocol

By combining Gut Health, which rids your body of harmful bacteria; Gut Defense, which reduces inflammation while tightening the junctions of your intestinal wall; and one of the most diverse probiotics on the market, the Gut Health Protocol works to heal your gut and ensure digestive related issues are a thing of the past.

Rids The Body of Harmful Bacteria and Toxins

Immunoglobulin G

Immunoglobulins are antibodies produced by white blood cells that hunt around in human serum (aka fluids) in search of antigens. When antigens such as bacteria, viruses, or other toxins are present, immunoglobulins go on the attack, binding to them and facilitating their destructions. As the key component of Gut Health, IgG helps rid the body of harmful bacteria to promote proper gut function.

  • Rids the body of harmful bacteria and toxins
  • Stimulates the body's normal gut repair mechanisms

Reduces Gut Inflammation


L-glutamine helps reduce inflammation in your gut and, when combined with N-acetyl D-glucosamine, it acts like spackle to your leaky gut - patching up areas that are allowing toxins through. Gut Defense provides you a clinically effective dosage of L-glutamine at 4g for optimal repair and absorption.

  • Helps regenerate a healthy mucosal barrier in the intestines
  • Tightens loose junctions in the GI tract to facilitate proper absorption of nutrients

Regulates Stomach Acid Levels

Aloe Vera Extract

Aloe Vera has long been shown to help soothe irritation and inflammation in the GI tract. Studies have shown that aloe vera is specifically beneficial to mucosa in the GI Tract, in part due to its ability to regulate healthy stomach acid levels.

  • Helps promote GI tract mucous production, for optimal absorption of nutrients
  • Protects the GI tract from excess stomach acid

Promotes Immune Health


Nearly 70% of your immune system is housed in your gut. Zinc is an essential mineral widely recognized for its role in immune health. By supporting the structure of tight intestinal wall junctions, zinc has been shown to help maintain the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients.

  • Promotes tight intestinal wall junctions, maintaining your body's ability to metabolize nutrients
  • Helps support healthy immune system function

Promotes Immune Health

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays a major role in maintaining healthy mucous membranes. Healthy mucous membranes, including the mucosa of the stomach and intestines, protect and line the inside surfaces of your body. As barriers to unwanted toxins, microbes, and food particles passing directly into the body, they help maintain healthy immune function. Vitamin A further supports biological functions, which play a role in the maintenance of good health.

  • Maintains healthy intestinal mucous membranes
  • Helps protect your cells against damaging free radicals

Promotes Healthy GI Mucosa

Licorice Root (DGL)

DGL is a form of licorice root that's been specially processed to contain only biologically active flavonoids. This allows for higher dosing of the active ingredient, which helps maintain a healthy mucosal surface. Traditionally used to support GI-related complaints DGL has been shown to promote bacterial balance, protect the intestinal lining, and maintain normal inflammatory balance.

  • Promotes bacterial balance in the intestinal lining
  • Promotes a healthy mucosa in the intestine for proper digestion and immune health

Promotes Healthy Gut Bacteria


SwissRX™ Probiotic helps create and maintain a flourishing microbiome through a truly diverse probiotic formula. Including 20 billion colony forming units and six distinct probiotic strains, this probiotic restores a health gut flora and has even been shown to eliminate extremely resistant bacteria such as C. diff. H. pylori, candida, and e.coli

  • Supports proper digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Helps maintain GI Balance

More About

SwissRX™ Gut Health Protocol

We've found that one of the most under-talked about issues facing endurance athletes are gut-related problems. Most athletes tend to keep it to themselves or worse, are dismissed by coaches when they bring it up.

The irony is that there's nothing more debilitating to performance than gut issues. It's a very common problem among endurance athletes as we put tremendous stress on our guts that goes far beyond 'regular' people. Dehydration, simple sugars, and high caloric intake all stress the GI tract which can lead to gut-related issues.

SwissRX™ Gut Health Protocol supports healthy gut function in three main ways:

  • Gut Health rids the body of harmful toxins, bacteria and viruses to promote optimal gut function
  • Gut Defense works to seal leaky junctions in the intestinal wall to support proper nutrient absorption and protect against Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • A diverse set of probiotics promote healthy GI balance and inoculate the GI tract with healthy bacteria


How the formula helps with improving inflammation and immune response: The study looks at preventative administration of Lactobacillus plantarum (key ingredient in SwissRX Probiotic) and its positive impact on inflammation and immune function. Here is a link to the study

How the formula helps with gastro intestinal (GI) distress: The study reviews how immunoglobulins (main ingredient in SwissRX Gut Health) improves (GI) disorder, especially dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Here is a link to the study

How the formula protects and repairs intestinal barrier function: The study looks at how dietary supplementation of the key ingredient in SwissRX Gut Health has anti-inflammatory effects on intestinal walls. Here is a link to the study

How the formula helps protect intestinal barrier function: The study looks at administration of Glutamine (key ingredient in SwissRx Gut Defense) and its positive effects on leaky gut syndrome. Here is a link to the study

How the formula improves gastrointestinal lining: The study looks at Aloe Vera (key ingredient in SwissRx Gut Defense) and its potential to prevent gastric acid output. Here is a link to the study

How the formula helps with improving immune response: The study looks at the health-enhancing properties of L. Acidophilus (La-14) (key ingredient in SwissRX Probiotic). Here is a link to the study